25 Years On… African Americans and the Bible: Sacred Texts and Social Textures

It wasn't a quest to find Black people within the canon or a liberative hermeneutic for Black people. African Americans and the Bible laid out an agenda for critically studying, as the accompanying anthology's subtitle states, "sacred texts and social textures."

Get Resourceful for REL #COVID19

I was talking with a friend earlier today. And as we were sharing about how our institutions are facing #COVID19, I realized that I have a lot of material that may be of use to those scholars of religion who are preparing to change how they'll teach their classes. Below you'll find a guide to content that you might find useful.

A Slice of Social Theory

The other night, I got to thinking about how Domino's Pizza reinvented itself in the last decade. Rather than ordering a late night pie, I wrote a blog post about it over at The University of Alabama's Study Religion blog. A scholar of religion might redescribe the company’s reception to negative feedback as a form … Continue reading A Slice of Social Theory