Playing With Texts: Pedagogies of Scriptures

I'm on the way home from the meeting of the Institute for Signifying Scriptures. My brain is on rapid -fire mode with all sorts of ideas and questions. In the midst of it all, I just learned that a podcast episode I was on just dropped. Jacqueline Hidalgo, Vincent Wimbush, and I were on Nothing … Continue reading Playing With Texts: Pedagogies of Scriptures

Marronage: The Independent Institute for Signifying Scriptures

On April 11-13, 2024, the Institute for Signifying Scriptures will be hosting a special annual meeting to commemorate two momentous occasions: The 20th Anniversary of the Institute for Signifying Scriptures and the 25th Anniversary of the African Americans and the Bible Project. Over the next few weeks, I'm going to be highlighting some media to … Continue reading Marronage: The Independent Institute for Signifying Scriptures

You’re a historian; Get the Memo?

A stack old books with the one on the top opened up.

One of the standard skills in a university education is the reading of a historical text. Traditionally this learning objective is explained in terms of two competencies--the engagement of primary sources and the use of secondary sources to assist in the interpretation of those primary sources. In fact, the very design of historical curricula is … Continue reading You’re a historian; Get the Memo?

Time Sensitive Islam Scholar Team-Up

So my Islam class at the University of Alabama is preparing for their second exam. It basically covers 7th to 13th centuries (but that's kind of a lie because we always jump around the timeline). I'd give you map coordinates but we jump around quite a bit there too. Anyway, I almost always hold a … Continue reading Time Sensitive Islam Scholar Team-Up